Thursday, October 7, 2010

Citing Internet source

Author name, article name in quotation marks, title of the Web magazine in italics, publisher name, publication date, medium of publication, and the date of assess.
-remember to use n.p. if no publisher name is available and n.d. if no publishing date is given
-if using easybib, get rid of the url. its no longer required by MLA

Work Cited Entries

(1)Author (2)Title of Book
every line after your first line is indented
(3)Publishing company (4) Where it was published
(5)Year of publication (6)medium of source book= "Print"

Smith,William."The Rise of the Games."
Longfellow Press. New York, NY.
2009. Print.


MLA.... joyous note taking.
In Text citations:
1.The titile of the source
2.Full name of author
3.Preview of the quote
4. Quote tag

Ex) (1) "The rise of Games," (2)William Smith (3)discusses how big game budgets lead to big sales. (4)Smith writes,"......." (Smith,23)


My english teacher told me to pick something that annoys me to rant about. My one topic of overwhelming annoyance is people's beliefs. People are more than happy to follow illogical fantasies, among them but not limited to religion and the conservative party. Both involve people at the top utilizing the fear of people to gain control of the masses. And people follow them, not because its logical but because people have the ability to believe. Not saying that people should stop believing in a brighter future or that dogs aren't mans best friend. Its just when belief surpasses reason by leaps and bounds when a person is trying to make a decision.

"Because I believe what I believe I have the right to tell others what they can and cannot do."
-some overzealous fool.

Its those sort of people that are limiting both society's progress and suppressing the rights of individuals. Your a Christian, thats good for you, so don't chastise my friend for being gay. Your a muslim, wonderful, but don't you dare look down on my girl friends for not wearing a head scarf.

....sigh my teacher says i have to move onto the next topic, ill get back to ranking when i can.